Sunday, August 26, 2007

But You Don't Understand!

Maybe you say to me, but you don't understand. Horrible things have been done to me, and no one even acknowledges what happened. First of all, let me say I do understand. I've been there and by the power of the ressurected Jesus, I have moved on with my life. Let me say that people are never eager to admit their failings. If it was something really horrific that happened to you, the less likely it will be that those involved will truly admit to the reality of what happened. Think about it, I think most people would rather die than admit that they altered someone's entire life with some sort of abuse. Let me also say that abuse takes many forms, and none are okay. Whether or not it was sexual abuse, emotional abuse, mental abuse or physical abuse or any combination of those, it was NOT okay.

I struggled with this until one day someone looked at me and said, "God never thought it was okay that this was happening to you." "He's just as angry about it as you are." I assumed that because God never stepped in and stopped what was happening, He must have been okay with letting it happen. I have since learned that God gave us free will. He did not want us to be slaves in loving Him, He wanted it to be our choice and in doing so, He gave man free will. God is a just God, and he will serve justice on those who sin, but He will not force people to do the right thing. He always has an eye on you though, and in my life, I have been able to look back and see God's hand even when I thought it wasn't there.

So, let's say you have accepted God's free gift of salvation, but are tormented by things that have happened to you in the past. What do you do to stop the torment? How can you make it a part of your past, without affecting your present and future?

In one word, forgiveness. Before you tell me I can't possibly understand, let me say that I know this is probably a word you don't want to hear. You will argue that the person, or people don't even want forgiveness. You say, "How can I forgive someone who won't even admit they've done anything wrong?" I asked all those questions. I struggled with them for years after I gave my life to the Lord. He was patient with me. He knew I had to forgive, and kept showing me in different ways.

I will always preface any recommendations by saying you must pray about your situation and ask God to show you how He wants you to walk this journey. I will tell you that I have been studying forgiveness for years. I have notes that I have taken on some teaching tapes that date back to 2003. I will say that Joyce Meyers' teachings on Bitterness, Resentment and Unforgiveness and also Spirit of Offense have been life changing for me. She is the first person who taught me that forgiveness is not a "feeling" it is a choice. That forgiveness is actually letting the other person go and letting God decide their fate. I have found that forgiveness frees God to work in the other persons life. So, if you find yourself saying, "God, it's not fair what's happening to me, do something!" You should start by forgiving. Forgiveness keeps bitterness at bay. If you walk in forgiveness, bitterness has no place to take root.

I have found that I need to forgive everything! Even little things that you may think need no forgiveness, I pray forgiveness for those things as well. I would rather over-forgive people in this world, than get relaxed and then find that bitterness has sprung up in my life and destroyed relationships.

What if I forgive, and still feel angry about what happened to me? This was also addressed in Joyce Meyers' teaching "Forgive and Forget". I learned there that my choice to forgive had nothing to do with my feelings. And, additionally, my feelings didn't get a choice as to whether I forgave or not. She referenced Heb. 11:15 where it talks of the children of Israel. Here it is in the Amplified Bible. " If they had been thinking with homesick remembrance of that country from which they were emigrants, they would have found constant opportunity to return to it." Basically, she was saying, don't go back there in your mind. Don't keep reliving the wrong that was done to you. If it affects you, maybe you'll never be able to speak of it again. That's hard when we feel we've been wronged. We want everyone to know how we've been wronged. We want to talk about it until the other person says, "You're right, I was wrong and I'm sorry."

I see one of two choices when thoughts come up about the wrongs that have been done to you. I employ both, and have not figured out if one is more right than the other. First, I keep praying forgiveness. If I keep thinking of something, I keep asking God to forgive the person. I have heard it said that we should not continue to forgive the same thing over and over, but STAND on the original forgiveness we've asked God for. I agree to some extent, but I also know that sometimes I feel that repeating the prayer is just me standing on the forgiveness. Whatever you decide, do not let your mind take you back to a place of unforgiveness.

I think Jesus is our example, and He offered the greatest example of forgiveness when He was on the cross. His words, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." have become a prayer of sorts for me. I do not believe that most people hurt us knowing exactly how they are making us feel. I know that I don't intentionally hurt people, but I also know that I have hurt people. So, that means that I " knew not what I did." And, because I want others to extend that mercy to me, I will freely extend it to others. I have heard the saying, "We judge ourselves by our intentions, and others by their actions." And I have found that this statement has profoundly altered my life. I now try to sense what the intention may have been before passing judgment.

I believe you can forgive someone who doesn't see a need for forgiveness. I also believe that you can forgive without the other person knowing. You don't need to walk up to someone and say, I forgive you for hurting my feelings. They may have never known they did that, and you could be opening up a bigger can of worms by telling them you forgive them. Always consult the Lord before approaching a person. I always spend hours in prayer because I don't want my intentions to be clouded. Sometimes I can say one thing, but there is a secret adjenda behind my words. I am very conscious of my frame of mind. I'll stay in prayer for days to make sure my intent is pure, and my emotions are not driving my actions. Not to say that things don't catch me off-guard and I make mistakes, but I try to get myself under control of the Holy Spirit.

Now, a word about forgiveness. In all of this, we must not miss God's forgiveness towards us. At the first confession of sin, I John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." We do not need to walk around begging for forgivenss from God. He is faithful and just to forgive and cleanse. I see so many Christians walking around in perpetual states of begging God to forgive their past. Get over it people! God is not human, he is Holy and Perfect. Just because you find it hard to accept God's forgiveness does not mean it is hard for Him to forgive. Remind yourself through God's Word about how many people God used that needed to be forgiven. All of the great leaders fell short in some way. Some were murderers, adulterers, some had low self-esteem but God used all of them mightily. We need to remember , "In that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Rom. 5:8. God didn't wait for us to know we were in need of a savior, He died for us BEFORE we realized we needed a savior.
Please don't mistake my passion for flippancy. I am not flippant, but I am frustrated with seeing God's people walking around defeated, unhappy, and not an effective witness for Him. I truly believe that our walk with God should be simple and effective. Notice I did not say EASY and effective. I believe that forgiveness is simple and effective. Not EASY, but simple. We decide not to collect on a debt owed to us. I hope this stirs your heart about forgiveness.

Sunday, August 19, 2007


Okay, so we've all heard the phrase "What would Jesus Do?" I have been pondering some things brought about by a statement that was made to me a couple of months ago. Someone said to me that a Sunday School teacher said to them the "the homeless are the most reached people in the world." It was said in a way that made me think it wasn't said in a good way. The statement troubled me. I didn't pursue anything with the person I was conversing with, because there were some things I needed to work out for myself, and it didn't seem that the conversation would be profitable. But, here is what I think about it after having time to sort through some things.
Jesus made it clear that He came for the lost. He didn't specify a race, creed, life station or appearance. In the gospels, Jesus usually rebuked the Pharisees. These were the "religiously pious" of the time. Uh-oh...there's my first question. Am I one of them? Am I a "religiously pious" person? I think it's easy in America today to become a modern day Pharisee. When I saw the movie "The Passion" one of the most memorable scenes was when the Chief priests and Pharisees rode past Jesus as He hung on the cross. I use the visual to check myself. Am I behaving like that?
God has given me the honor and privilege to teach occasionally at a church for Women on Friday mornings. He led me to a study called "What do You want from me, God?" that I am going to attempt to paste in here. I have found that what God actually wants from us, is so far from" religious. " Let's see if I can paste the whole thing.
What Do You Want From Me, God?
I want to share with you today something exciting; something that I think will simplify our Christian lives. It seems like this is something that we should know already, but it seems to be a plan of the enemy to try to “muddle” and complicate our Christian lives so that we become ineffective. I pray that after today, we can all move more quickly to get back to the place in which God wants us to be. I want to answer the question, “What do You want from me, God?” I’ll tell you right now that part of the answer is pure religion. We’ll get to that later. First, let’s look at Saul. Saul tried to give God what Saul thought God would want, and that is where I got my first lead on “what do You want from me, God?”
(Read I Samuel 15)
We see that Samuel gives Saul a message from the Lord. It is a clear message. He tells Saul to smite and destroy Amalek. This is a nation that had done evil to the people of Israel, and God had appointed this time as the time to avenge that act. We see in Ex. 17:8-16 and Deut. 25:17-19 what happened between Israel and Amalek. Not only did God tell Saul to smite and destroy Amalek, He gives clear instructions on what was to be done. From the time that the children of Israel had come into the Promised Land and had begun driving out their enemies, God had told them exactly what to do in regards to their battles. They would either destroy only the people and keep the goods of the city as spoils, or totally destroy everything from people, animals, jewels, etc. This was an instance where God made it clear that they were to destroy everything.
So, Saul gathered his men and went to the city of Amalek. After letting the Kenites escape, Saul smites the Amalekites. Vs. 8 is where he gets into trouble. Unfortunately, Saul has no idea the consequences he is about to receive for his choice. In vs. 8-9 we see that Saul not only takes the king of the Amalekites (Agag) captive, but Saul and the people keep the best sheep, oxen, fatlings, and lambs and all that was good. They only destroyed what was vile and refuse. I’m sure it seemed like an okay idea at the time. They were in the heat of battle; no one was really stopping to think too clearly. Maybe the livestock was of a much better quality than the ones back home. We will see in a minute what Saul’s reasoning was for why the animals were not destroyed. I think this is a pretty important thought. Saul was given the Word of the Lord, he had CLEAR instructions and yet Saul chose to do something different. How many times do we have clear instructions from the Lord, and we come up with a reason to do it just a little bit different? Do we let reasoning interfere with total obedience to God?
Let’s keep going and see what is the result of his actions.
God tells Samuel that Saul did not obey the commands given his. It says that Samuel was grieved and cried unto the Lord all night. What devotion Samuel had for this king, anointed by God. Then, Samuel goes to find Saul. Saul greets him and says, “Blessed be thou of the Lord: I have performed the commandment of the Lord.” Wow! That is boldness. To walk up to a prophet of the Lord and boldly lie-Wow! Vs. 14 is one of my favorites when I picture it. Samuel says, “What meaneth then this bleating in my ears, and the lowing of oxen which I hear?” He doesn’t leave Saul much room to wiggle, does he? But look at how much room Saul makes for himself. We really see here what kind of leader Saul is. He puts the blame on the people. Not only that, but he also says that they were saving the animals for sacrifices to God. He tried to cover his disobedience by saying that it had a “holy” purpose. Saul had a boldness that made me shake my head.
However, God reminded me that not too long ago I did the same thing. At the end of February, Graceland had a sale on CD’s- they were a great price. I felt the Lord lay on my heart to buy one CD. When I went that morning, reasoning and, ok, greed took over and I walked out with more than one CD. I thought, how could it be wrong to buy Christian music? It’s a tool for praising God, right? Part of my consequences for that were that I have not liked one CD I brought home without permission. It is not impossible to find ourselves in the same position that Saul was in.
So, Saul not only disobeys, but he tries to make it a “holy” reason for disobedience. This is scary ground. Saul’s reasoning, and most likely the reasoning of the people around him, caused him to forget God’s CLEAR instruction and also caused him to make it “appear holy”. They deceived themselves, and God’s judgment was swift. Saul tried to make a second appeal in vs. 21 and even tries to make it look like he DID obey, but it doesn’t change God’s mind. Vs. 22 is a verse that I have heard often spoken, but when you hear it in the context of this story, it takes on a much more rich meaning.
“And Samuel said, Hath the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better then sacrifice, and to hearken than the fat of rams.”
Vs. 26, 35 show what happened to Saul, in part, because of his actions; but I also think it was because God knew Saul’s heart. God rejected Saul from being king because Saul rejected the Word of the Lord.
God really drew me to vs. 22 in this passage. When Samuel posed the question- Does God have as great delight in burnt offerings and sacrifice as in obedience, it made me want to look deeper.
Let’s look at a few verses and see what God has to say about sacrifices.
Ps. 40:6
Ps. 51
Is. 1: 10-20
Hosea 6:1-11
Matt. 9:10-13 & 12:7

It is very interesting to me that most of these passages in the Old Testament are actually passages referring to repentance, cleansing, and sanctification. I believe that God is calling apart His people for repentance, not sacrifices. Hebrews 10 makes it clear that the sacrifices could not take away sins (vs.4) But how many times in our distorted minds do we feel we can “make up for things” if we sacrifice more, or offer more offerings. God wants us to know that the only way to let go of sin is through repentance and forgiveness, which came through Jesus’ blood being shed on the Cross. He wants us to lay down our pre-conceived ideas about the way things “should” be done, and just be obedient. When we clear out the junk in our lives and can hear God’s voice and we make a decision to obey no matter what our soul thinks about it, we will walk in victory and freedom, peace and joy. We can no longer listen to the devil’s lies and be convinced by them. The lies that say, “If you just do more, God will love you more.” We are wasting our time on insufficient sacrifices. I believe that now more than ever our time is short and we MUST come to a place of making everything count.
If God does not want sacrifices and offerings from us, I think we need to ask him, “What do you want from us, God?” In fact, how many times have we said that to God? Crying out in desperation, frustration or even anger, “ What do you want from me, God?” The good news is that His Word makes it clear what God wants from us.
I Sam. 15:22- obey, hearken
Ps. 51:17- broken spirit, broken and contrite heart
Is. 1:16- wash and make clean; put away the evil of your
Doings from before His eyes; cease to do evil
Is. 1:17- Learn to do well; seek judgment; relieve the
Fatherless, plead for the widow. (James 1:27)
Hosea 6:6- desired mercy; the knowledge of God (Dan.11: 32)
Micah 6:8- do justly; love mercy; walk humbly with thy God
(Deut. 10:12-13)
Matt. 9:13, 12:7- mercy

James 1:27 tells us what "pure religion" is," Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world."
Wow, it says right there to visit these two (fatherless and widows- basically abandoned people) in their affliction. It doesn't say to try to get them into your station of life so you can fellowship. It says, visit them in their affliction. I disagree with the tone of the original statement that the homeless are the most reached people, and I don't really see in Scripture where our mission field is really much else.
Maybe God has done a miracle in me, but I love every chance I get to minister to the homeless. They are much easier to show their need of God. It's much more difficult to convince an affluent person that they actually have a need that they can NEVER fulfill.
I hope this study has shown you what God thinks about "sacrifices", and religion.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

I'll never be "normal"

First of all, let me say that I do not intend to post every day. I am posting things that are on my heart, and need to be put down in words. Time may go by between postings, but as things come into my heart, they will be posted. I almost can't think of anything else until the words are written, so please understand.
What if you say, my past is so messed up, I can never be "normal"? I think these thoughts come to many, and I want to write about how to come out of destructive experiences and mindsets that plague us. When I was a young adult and first living out of my parents' home, I would tell stories and talk to my co-workers about my life experiences. I never realized before I saw the shocked looks on their faces that my life was not "normal".
I grew up in a home with an alcoholic father, and this affected my life. My experiences and mindsets were different from other people. Things that come normally to me were not normal for other people. I began my quest for understanding at a time when I was not walking with the Lord. I don't know how it would have been different if I had done all of my "processing" with Him instead of half with and half without, but I can't go back. I went to a family counselor in my mid-twenties and began talking to her about things before my marriage broke up. She recommended a few books to me on Adult children of alcoholics. I read one that changed my life. I started to see where some of my destructive behavior was coming from. I was beginning to see how my experience of living with an alcoholic shaped my life. Thankfully, I have never been a "blamer" and I used this information to change, not to blame.
If you do tend to be a blamer, I encourage you to remember that you alone are responsible for your choices. Your circumstances may have been tough, but today as an adult, you have a choice. The choice may be harder for you to make because of your previous circumstance, but nonetheless, you must take responsibility for your choices. I urge you to ask your friends for prayer about this, and press in to the Lord for the grace to make changes. I will speak more to this later.
When I was going through a divorce, I found another counselor. I will tell you at this point that both women primarily let me talk, and asked questions to help me clarify my thoughts. I thank God that I did not get bogged down in Psychology, because I believe that psychology tends to muddy the waters and bring more bondage than freedom. If you look at the very origin of psychology, you will begin to see why a Christian MUST be very careful about adopting a mentality that aligns with psychology. We are to depend on God, trust in Him fully. We aren't to find our own solutions or lean on our own understanding. I can't go into this more fully at this time, because that is not my focus for this post.
When I did come back to the Lord, I was plagued by the same things as I was before. I had many problems with my emotions, and dealing with relationships. I was a very critical person, who held people to high standards and did not cut any slack for people. I was harsh and unforgiving and had a hard time staying in relationship with people. I was constantly involved in "drama" with people and had many with whom I was in contention. I could never disagree without a loud argument, and never allowed others to express their opinion without judgment from me. I do not see myself as the same person today, and hopefully neither do you. God has worked countless miracles in my life, in part, because of my obedience to Him.
So, as a new Christian, I didn't know how to change my life. I think the first step towards my freedom was honesty. I was very honest about my life, past and present and didn't hide things when talking to other people. Fortunately for me, this came naturally. For others, a life lived hiding the truth may have ingrained a deep habit of not telling the truth. Again, I urge you to seek the Lord. If you can't be honest with anyone else, be honest with Him. He knows your thoughts and intents anyway, why hide from Him? I love the Psalms because David held nothing back from the Lord. I read some Psalms and cringe because of some of the things David says in them, but the fact that he could say them to God gives us an example. God is faithful. No human will ever be perfect, but He is. No matter what your life experience, no matter how many people have let you down, God says in Hebrews 13:5, 6 "...for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee. SO THAT we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
When I began to speak out to my friends, someone recommended a teaching to me. I will name that teaching, but not because I think it is the only answer. I will tell you what God used in my life, and tell you that if you seek Him, he will show you what He will use in your life. The first teaching I listened to was "The Root of Rejection" by Joyce Meyer. I find her teachings to be based solely on the Bible, and her style was something I could appreciate and relate to so that it was effective in my life. Her testimony is powerful. But let me also say that there are many people who speak to hurting women, some that I have read include Beth Moore, and T.D. Jakes. There are probably many more out there, this is why you have to seek God first. He knows where you are, where you've been and what would most minister life to you.
God has used teachings, music, fiction and just good God-fearing friends to bring healing and deliverance to my life. Don't limit God by deciding that something is not "spiritual" enough. I also believe that just reading the Word of God will bring much healing and deliverance. John 15:3 says, "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." He goes on in that chapter to say that you cannot bear fruit unless you abide in Him, so we must make the Bible and prayer our first avenue of help.
I think if Saul could become Paul and go on to write most of the New Testament, if Peter could deny Jesus three times in one night, and go on to be another key figure in the first church, then you and I can overcome our past and walk in the light as He is in the light. I believe that our past does not have to define us, but I also think Jesus asked a powerful question to the man by the pool of Bethesda. In Jn 5:6 Jesus asks the man, "Wilt thou be made whole?" And I think that this is a question we must ask ourselves. I heard a sermon on this once, and it just came alive for me. The pastor asked, Do you want to be well? You may have to give up your disabled placard, and park further away from the store. You will have to give up any excuse you have for not doing things. So, you must ask yourself- Do I want to be well? Even if it means I can no longer be unforgiving? Even if it means that people will have more of an ability to hurt me? Do I trust God enough to take care of me that I will chose to be vulnerable and be well?
I think sometimes we feel comfortable with what we know. Whether it be good or bad, we are comfortable with our circumstance. Our thoughts can be, Okay, so maybe I'm not successful, but no one is walking all over me. Maybe I'm not happy all the time, but I'm not being taken advantage of. It's scary to change. It's scary if you're the only one in your circumstance that is willing to change. But I say unto you that the God who created you is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us," (Eph 3:20)
Think for a moment about God. Read Genesis 1 and 2. God spoke and the world in its entirety came into being. Not only the things, but in perfectness so that it survives even today. It says that he SET the sun and moon into the firmament of heaven, and he SET the stars also. He created every animal throughout the food chain. And in Gen 2, God formed us out of the dust of the ground. Imagine Him bending down and gently scooping up the dirt to form us. Then bringing it to His mouth and breathing into is the very breath of life. This is the God who will fight for you, if you belong to His family.
So, I believe that no matter what your previous life circumstance, God is able to deliver you, and that you can produce godly fruit. I also believe that the pursuit of this deliverance DOES NOT have to consume the rest of your life. What good does it do the body of Christ or the world if you can never come to a place of life? Jesus said to Peter in Luke 22:31, 32 "Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee that thy faith fail not: and when thou art converted, strengthen thy brethren." Jesus told him that there was a progression, when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren. If Peter had taken many years to find his healing and deliverance do you think he would have been at Pentecost in Acts 2? Would he have given that great sermon? Would he have impacted the kingdom of God in the same way that he did?
I think one of the byproducts of psychology is that we are now "searching". We are searching for answers, for healing, for understanding of things that God may not want us to ever understand. I do not see digging into our past as Biblical. Read the gospels and note how Jesus healed and delivered. It was brief and to the point and the people moved on with their lives. I am no longer in a place of seeking healing or deliverance of my past. And this has caused many to not even know what I've been through unless they hear my testimony. And, I think this is Biblical. As followers of Jesus, we are to be so close to Him that we begin to take on His characteristics. The actual definition of disciple in the vines dictionary is a follower, but it implies imitating the teacher. How well do I speak of the power of Christ if I walk around defeated, and bearing the mark of my past without Christ? I speak of a God who cannot transform, who cannot overcome my past. This will not draw the world to Him! But, when you hear about my life, and you see the differences that Christ has made in me, you will be drawn to this Christ who can change a harsh, unforgiving woman into a woman who loves people. My life will give you hope that Christ can do the same in you. And He can, and WILL if you allow Him to do it.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Practically speaking

Okay, so you've made a decision to be a disciple of Christ, but what exactly does that mean? "Church" people can throw around a lot of terms that mean nothing to the average person, so I'd like to tell you from my life how I go about following Jesus. If you have ever said, "I just feel like there's something blocking me from God", I think this will help you.
First of all, let me tell you a little about my background. I was raised in a Christian home where we went to church and I also attended Christian schools. I was exposed to the Bible from early on, and in fact belonged to the now defunct Bible Memory Association. I can honestly tell you that most of my childhood exposure to the Bible was from a purely obedience stand point. And, because I went to very conservative schools which focused strongly on rules, I didn't really "get" what was the big deal about being a Christian. I never was exposed to the idea that I could/should have a personal relationship with God, or that through learning about Him I would choose not to indulge in the things of the world. I've never quite figured out how I missed all of this, why no one ever told me about a personal relationship.
As a young adult, I decided that Christianity wasn't helping my life at all, so I struck out on my own. I didn't go to church, I didn't do anything remotely "religious" for years. Until my life was in a shambles. As a single mom, I reconnected through a phone call to my former daycare provider, and she mentioned this lady on TV. Ironically, I had seen this woman on in the middle of the night, but after the conversation decided to seek the show out, not just happen upon it. This woman seemed like she was speaking directly to me. This was the beginning of my journey back to God. I started attending a church with my sister, but my kids didn't really like it, so I was limited in how often I could go. Then, I met my husband, and we attended church together. Life was still pretty touch and go for me, I still had a lot of problems and issues. I couldn't figure out how to fix my life. Then, when a crisis happened, I called the same friend and cried on her shoulder. She asked me how my quiet time was, and I said non-existent. She encouraged me to come back to the Lord, and be in the Bible every day. My turmoil didn't erase overnight, but I can say that I have a firm foundation now.
So, what do I do to encourage my relationship with the Lord now? First thing, I read my Bible. I encourage you to read it cover to cover. Pray before you read and ask God to make his Word come alive to you, and speak to you. When you know God's Word, you can call on the promises given in God's Word at any time. I can't tell you how many times I've started down a wrong road with doubt, fear, anger and the verses I've read and memorized come back and bring me balance to my life. Knowing the Bible helps you stay anchored in God's truth. Like it or not, we live in a time when you can find a teaching to fit your desire around any corner. But, if we are God's children, we need to know HIS truth. I can't tell you how valuable my Bible is to me.
Secondly, I have cut out of my life anything that would distract me from God, or would hurt Him. Just like I would not want my children to purposely do things to hurt me, I don't want to hurt God either. God is a Holy God, and sin is an abomination to Him. It makes Him want to throw up. The first thing that went for me was secular music. I was used to listening to Pop music in the car with my kids, I thought it was a way for me to connect with them. But, as I listened to the words, I knew I had to let it go. Music is a huge drive in my life, and it has great influence over me. I could probably play "Name That Tune" with the best of you. But, I began to realize that the songs were distracting me from God, and hurting Him as well. The interesting thing is, that now my kids talk about the music in youth group and say, "You have that song on your CD, Mom." My son has downloaded many songs from my library to his IPOD. I am being blessed by the fact that my kids CHOOSE to listen to Christian music now. I heard a friend say that she listens to secular love songs with her husband. She doesn't feel it's wrong, and has never felt convicted about it. I took HER permission and tried it out for myself. I made a whole CD of love songs and played it for my husband, and all I could think of was how wrong the lyrics to the songs were. I CAN live without my husband. HE IS NOT my only happiness. Not in a bad or mean way, but the lyrics just screamed out their error at me. This story proves that the Holy Ghost is personal. What's ok for me, may be totally wrong for you. Please use much prayer when deciding these things. In fact, let God do all the leading. If you are seeking Him with all your heart, He'll show you what needs to change.
Just as quickly as the music went, I was convicted about my reading material. I am also an avid reader. I'll read one paperback per day if I'm left to my own devices. I was reading popular fiction which did not glorify God. I determined to read Christian fiction from that point forward.
These are areas that God worked in me. He literally took away the desire for these things. Just because I feel this strongly about these things doesn't mean they have to become "rules" or "laws" to you, but honestly....I've cut out a lot of things just because they don't PROMOTE my relationship with Jesus. Think about it, how many things in your life don't promote your relationship with God? Movies, hobbies, books, magazines, lifestyles, values, music, these are just a few examples of things to look at in your life.
I also stopped drinking alcohol of any kind. At this point in my life, I wasn't really drinking much of anything- just some wine coolers or maybe a beer every once in a while. But again, I felt that it was something that wasn't necessary, and it was not promoting my relationship with God. I was determined not to keep going down the same dead end road I had been on for years. I walk past things in the store now, and really have no desire for them anymore. For me, it's like the song says, Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.
Try looking at the situation differently. Don't look at all the things you CAN'T do. Look at what a sacrifice Jesus made for you, so that you could have eternal life. Then live worthy of that sacrifice.
Now, I have kids. I have 3 teenagers. And it's hard to teach them about life without making it all about rules. I make an effort to talk to them about why we don't do certain things. I try to talk to them about my regrets in life, and show them why I don't want them going down certain roads. I try to talk to them about living a life with fewer regrets than I have. I don't know if it's sinking in with them at all, but I trust in the verse in Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." That is what happened in my life. My earlier training in God's Word caused me to come back to Him.
Okay, because this blog is purely voluntary I am going to put out some of my recommendations here. Please note that these are my personal preferences, and you may not like them. I just like to give people a starting point to start looking.
My favorite Christian author: Linda Nichols- her books are complex, they deal with real life and do not make Christianity into useless platitudes. I have learned much from her books.
I referred to two books in my last post, Though None Go With Me, and also Pilgrims Progress. These are both great books for anyone to read. I would add to that In His Steps by Charles Sheldon. Another book that changed my perspective.
I would also recommend the author Francine Rivers. I would caution you that she tackles some really tough subjects, sexual abuse, abortion, etc. and some books may be tough for some people to read. As a woman who has been abused, I found Redeeming Love to be a book I've read many times. I personally, needed to see that God does wait for us. That He is always there ready to take us back. I got some great healing from that book.
Do not be surprised if God speaks to you through fiction books. I believe that truth can be said in a novel and move your heart and soul in a way that preaching or teaching cannot. Fiction bypasses the brain, and in reading we can accept challenges and admonitions that we could not accept any other way. I have received much healing and deliverance through books.
As far as music goes, I live with worship music. I work out to worship on my IPOD, I play worship in my car, I play worship as I clean my house. Like I said, music is vital in my life. At this point, Lincoln Brewster is popular with me, as well as Ross Parsley and New Life Church. Although that church has been through much in the past year with their pastor stepping out of ministry, God's hand is on their worship! I love to see how God restores!!
If you are looking for more quiet worship, Brian Doerkson's Holy God is on my list right now, and also Michael Neale. He's a new artist who is a worship leader in TN. His song Beautiful King reflects my heart towards God.
I hope this nuts and bolts discussion helps someone who may not know exactly what "have your quiet time" means. I've been there, I understand.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

First things first...

Okay, I've got things running through my mind, so I'm just going to deposit them here. A few months ago this question was ringing in my mind. What must I do to be saved? This comes from Acts 16:30. Paul and Silas had been thrown in prison for preaching Christ. If you've read the New Testament at all, you know that Paul was formerly Saul. Saul persecuted and even killed Christians. He was consenting to Stephens death in Acts 8:1. However, by chapter 9 he was on the road to Damascus and met Jesus. This alone should bring me comfort in my own past. Paul was one of God's greatest ministers in the New Testament, and his former life included murder! I am convinced that God CAN use me. Back to chapter 16... Paul and Silas in prison, praising God and praying and an earthquake happens and all the prison doors opened and each prisoners bonds were loosed. The jailer was going to kill himself because he knew he would die if the prisoners escaped. Paul told him not to hurt himself, that the prisoners were all there. This caused the jailer to fall on his knees and ask, What must I do to be saved? Here is Paul's answer vs.31 "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved , and thy house."
As I wrote in the previous post, believe here is Pisteou which means not just to believe, but to be persuaded. Hence, to put confidence in and signifies a reliance upon. So, ask yourself this: Am I persuaded that Jesus is the only way to be right with the Father God? Am I reliant upon Him for my salvation? We can't get it any other way. The end of the definition in the vines dictionary says, it is translated committed to. Are you Committed to Jesus? This requires an investment of yourself.
Saved in the above verse means- to save, deliver, protect. Of the spiritual and eternal salvation granted immediately by God to those who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 10:9, 10 expands on the way to be saved. " That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised Jesus from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. "
Confess/confession here means to declare openly by way of speaking, such confession being the effect of deep conviction. It also conveys the thought of confessing allegiance to Christ as one's master and Lord. What does Jesus say in Jn 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments." So, our confession that Christ is our Lord comes with some tangible affects. We will keep His commandments, if we love Him. He also says, in Jn 13:35 " By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one for another." So, there is a decision followed by visible signs that you have made the decision.
Can you ever "think" you've made this decision when in truth you haven't? Absolutely! Matt. 7:21-23 says, "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. MANY will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord have we not prophesied in thy name? and in the name cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity."
I've often said that these are not actions that people outside the church would claim. People who don't go to church wouldn't talk about casting out devils, and prophesying. To me, this is a warning to those in church. To those in "ministry". The word "Knew" in this verse means that there is a relationship between the "knower" and the "knowee". What is "known" is of value and importance signifying the establishing of a relationship. To know by observation and experience. Does Jesus know you? Do you have a relationship with Him? Does he have experience with you?
These thoughts have gone through my mind these past few months. I know that the Jews didn't recognize Jesus as their Messiah because He didn't fit what they were looking for. I never want to miss Jesus because He doesn't fit my expectations. I do not want to pass Him by because I don't recognize Him. Have you ever met someone briefly, then at a later time tried to meet them in a public place? We don't have perfect memory, and sometimes you can walk right past the person because you were expecting them to look different. I don't want that to happen. I want to recognize Jesus, and I want Him to know me.
I think that as Americans we live in a "drive-thru" society. We drive through to get food, coffee, even our medications. We also want a "drive-thru" fix for everything. I saw a commercial that stated that you can eat whatever you want and still lose weight. Isn't that crazy? We in the church are looking for " drive-thru" answers. I get the feeling that some people use salvation as their "Get out of Hell Free" card. They go forward and say a prayer, but don't really understand what it means. Salvation requires something of you. It means that you are acknowledging that Jesus is your Master and Lord. And when Jesus says, If you love me, keep my commandments that is an outward sign of your heart.
The Bible says that the way is narrow and few there be that find it. That's in Matt. 7:13-14 where Jesus says, "Enter ye at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way which leadeth to life, and few there be that find it." Strait means narrow because it runs counter to natural inclinations.
I am concerned that in this day and age where we can buy anything, get information at the speed of light, have channels on the TV that run 24 hours a day, we do not have much of a need for God. We can do amazing surgeries, go into space, and all these incredible things, but one thing remains. All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. (Rom. 3:23) And because of that, "The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Rom. 6:23) We must think about what is beyond this life. It is one of two things, eternal life, or eternal separation from God.
There are a couple of books that have really defined the Christian life for me. The first is Pilgrim's Progress. It is an amazing allegory which stunned me in it's portrayal of the Christian life. Although it was written centuries ago, it's truth remains. The other book is "Though None Go With Me." I must say, the movie that is out is NOTHING like the book, so read the book. I've read it about 4 times, and it continues to speak to me. We may not have friends to go through our walk with God, we may not see our children live for Him, and things may not go the way we think they should go, but He works all things for our good. I will not say that living the life for Christ is a walk in the park, but I have His promises to lean on. Jn. 16:33 "These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." I truly believe that accepting Jesus as the only way we can be right before God, and living devoted to Him, has been an abundant life for me.
Okay, I feel like there is some rambling in here, thanks for bearing with me.

Why is it so suprising?

First of all, let me say that this blog is totally different from my other blog. This blog is a place for me to process my thoughts and feelings about Christianity and what I see in these times. This blog is completely my opinion, subject to change as God shows my differently. I hope that those reading this blog will read it with the heart with which it is written.
I love my God. He is the One True God of Israel, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the Holy Father who sent His only Son, Jesus to earth as a sacrifice to bridge the gap between God and man caused by sin. I know( as the words to the song say) what a wretch I was. I know that there is NO WAY I could have presented myself to God and been deemed acceptable. Accepting the work that Jesus did on the cross was the only way I can be acceptable to God.
I've been on a journey my entire life. I've seen many sides of Church, of Christianity, and of "ways to heaven". Before the last 3 or so years, I'd never "known" Christ. I'd struggled to know Him. I wanted to know Him. I couldn't understand why I didn't feel like I "knew" Him. I want to share my thoughts about knowing Him and what that brings.
First, I want to write about this: Why is it so surprising when people find out about the circumstances of my life? Several times in the last few years, I've encountered people who are shocked to find out about my life. They look at me and assume that I live a "perfect" fairy-tale life. Honestly, there are times I feel this is almost held against me. When they find out that I am a twice-married mother of a blended family who grew up in an abusive, alcoholic home they seemed shocked. I want to know why they are shocked? By the way, these are people who profess to be Christians that are shocked. All the more....why are you so shocked???
In my opinion, Christs' name and renown are not served well by people walking around defeated, searching for "healing" or "deliverance". Christ is not displayed to the world as King by our twelve steps, by our groups divided by addiction. I don't really see these things in scripture.
I believe the Word of God. So, when the Word of God says things like: 2 Cor. 5:17 "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things have passed away; behold, all things are become new. " I choose to believe it. I may be afflicted with thoughts of unworthiness, or shame or guilt, but God has the answer to that as well. 2 Cor. 10:5 " Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;" I must challenge my thoughts against the truth of God's Word.
One thing I've never felt in "church" is that I am good enough to be accepted. This has also run over into feeling like I'll never be "worthy" to do anything for the Kingdom of God. Even in my youngest days, I could never "measure up" because my mom had been divorced. People would always ask why my brother had a different last name, and when I would say that my mom was married before...I would see the look of pity in their eyes. As an adult, when I became a divorced, single mother I again felt the shame and pitied looks from other "Christians". Again, a sense that I could never "measure up". For many years, these thoughts kept me from God. I actually thought that God must feel the same way about me as other people felt. I didn't see the point of trying to live for Him, if I could never hurdle these things.
I no longer believe this, and I have the scripture to back me up. Matt. 9:12 "But when Jesus heard that, he said unto them, They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go ye and learn what that meaneth, I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Jesus didn't come for the perfect, Thank You Jesus!! He came for me! My past just guaranteed that I am what Jesus came for! What a revelation!
I learned something profound this morning when reading John 8. The beginning of the chapter finds Jesus at the temple. scribes and Pharisees brought a woman "caught in the very act" of adultery. They asked, Moses said we should stone her, what do you say? They were hoping to get Jesus to contradict the scriptures. (they held the Scriptures in very high regard) Jesus, after taking a moment, replied to them vs. 7 "He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone." After this, they all backed away leaving only Jesus and the woman. He then said to her the words on which we can base our lives. vs. 11 "Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more." Not, go and get yourself into a womens group for sexual sin. Not go and find a healing seminar and hope it takes the first time. Not buy hundreds of dollars in books, tapes etc. until you "feel" clean enough. But "go, and sin no more."
I love this about Jesus. He is the epitome of simplicity. Often, he healed and delivered with just one phrase. He wasn't flashy or showy, he was moved with compassion for the people and met their needs, both physical and spiritual. I think if we can accept this simplicity, we can find freedom and peace.
Let me share a few more simple truths that have brought my life from what it was, to what it is today. Matt. 22 34-40 Again, the Pharisees and Saducees are involved here. A lawyer asked Jesus to define the great commandment of the law? They all knew Moses' law, and he wanted to know which was the greatest commandment. Jesus replies another simple truth on which to base your Christian life. vs 37 " Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments HANG ALL THE LAW AND THE PROPHETS." Do we need a list of rules and regulations to judge people? NO! We are told that Matt 7:16 "Ye shall know them by their fruits." Gal. 5:22-23 show us what that fruit looks like.
How can we actually live this kind of life? I think first of all, we must believe. Believe in the Bible is not just a simple knowing in the mind, it is much more than that. It means not just to believe, but to be persuaded of, hence to put confidence in, and signifies a reliance up, not mere credence. We must be persuaded that God's Word is truth, and put our confidence, and reliance upon what it says. In John15:3 it says, "Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you." We are clean through the Word. Also, we are free through the Word. John 8 31-32 says, " Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, IF ye continue in my word, THEN are ye my disciples indeed: AND ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." I truly feel MORE freedom in this time of my life than I have felt in any other. I believe it comes from reading and studying the scriptures, and knowing the God of the scriptures. Not just the god of religion or the Americanized god that seems so popular. My God has cleansed me from all unrighteousness (1 Jn 1:9). I no longer have to hang my head or be ashamed of my past.