How important is it where our attention lies? I think it's extremely important, even crucial to our very health. What we focus on determines where we go. Our pastor told a story in his sermon which I am going to try to recapture briefly. There is a new sport called tree-skiing. You can ski some of the best powder if you ski between the trees. Sounds scary! The important thing to remember is where to keep your focus. You must focus on the spaces between the trees, because if you focus on a tree, you will crash into it. I find this an appropriate analogy for the Christian life. Where is your focus? Is it on Jesus? Or is it on distractions?
I will admit that for a few years, my focus was on distractions. Were the distractions legitimate? Some of them were, but my focusing on them was never legitimate. I am beginning to see that if we take our eyes off of Jesus, we begin a journey that can threaten our walk with God and even our salvation. The Bible is very clear about where we should be focusing. Hebrews 12:2 says, " Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of God.
That verse says a lot. First, it establishes who is the author and finisher of our faith. It's Jesus, it's not us, or any works that we can do, it is Jesus. And, it's not like Jesus is the author and we are the finisher. I've seen a lot of people with that mentality. They believe that Jesus' death on the cross provided their salvation, but somehow they feel that the baton was passed to them to finish their salvation.
The next thing the verse tells us is that Jesus went to the cross for the joy set before Him, which was relationship with us. Jesus wasn't being punished, or wasn't taken to the cross against His will. He knew that He was the way for all men to come to God. How great is His love for us!!!! I can't find a better description of love.
We must pay attention to what we are focusing on. If we focus on ourselves, like trying to find our purpose, or our place in the body of Christ, we can easily become self-centered, depressed and not useful. If we focus on ourselves, we can magnify things which God does not want magnified. I've seen a whole realm of "inner healing" going on where people focus on the bad things that have happened to them, and search for healing. I had many bad things happen to me, and a lot of them were by a parent. This kind of thing can really skew your perspective. I did the searching for healing thing, but ultimately I found that if you focus on God, He takes care of everything. Do I still find that my perspective is off sometimes? Of course, I'm not perfect, but God has given me good friends who I can talk to and find a sense of balance in talking things out. Do I hurt sometimes because of what I've missed out on because of the dysfunction in my family? Yes, but God is bigger than all that, so I choose to focus on Him and let Him guide me in the right path. Do I sometimes feel inadequate because of the life I've had? Yes, but I don't let those feelings define me. I look to the Way, the Truth and the Life for my meaning.
Another way I see people getting distracted is by focusing on things like spiritual warfare and various areas of the spiritual realm. Again, I have been down this road, to a degree, and I've come back to the place where I focus on God. When I focused on the spiritual realm, I became what some might call superstitious. Everything had a secret meaning, and I needed to know what that meaning was. Since I stopped focusing on the spiritual realm, my life has become more balanced, peaceful, and more productive. I see the armor of God mentioned in Ephesians as the Christian walking out the Christian life -which is to know Christ, and His Word, and to then live out life being an imitator of Him and an ambassador for Him.
I believe that the Word of God is one of the most important tangible things we have been given by God. I have an entire post about God's Word brewing in my heart, and in His timing I will publish it, but for now, I give you Psalm 119. Let's look at a few verses. Psalm 119:9 "Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way? by taking heed thereto according to thy word." So, God's Word is how we are cleansed. And not just God's Word, but TAKING HEED THERETO. A phrase often left behind. If we read, and obey God's Word, we are being cleansed. Not by some program, or retreat or Bible study. It's a cheap course. Read and obey God's Word.
Let's move on to Psalm 119: 11. "Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee." So, God's word keeps us from sin. If you're having trouble with sin, refer to the last two verses. Something along the way is not being done. Either the word, the word being hid in your heart, or the taking heed thereto. If you are not willing to hide God's word in your heart, or take heed to His word, no program on earth will change the circumstance. It may change your actions for a while, but your heart will not be cleansed.
Psalm 119:105, 130 "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." "The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple." Here we find that we can find our way in God's word. Does it say, "Go to the store on this day, and to the bank that day?" No, but if we are in God's word and hiding it in our heart, and taking heed thereto, we won't be searching for our "purpose". We will find it in His word. We will find it in Him. Our path will be lit for us when we are in His Word, AND we don't have to have a degree. It gives understanding to the simple. I see lots of people running around getting degrees for this and that. I see People wanting to be in ministry and going after "training" and degrees so that they can be regarded as "fit for ministry". My Bible says that God's word giveth understanding to the simple. I believe that if all you're looking for is God in the Bible, you won't need a degree or need to have taken a class to figure the Bible out. God says, Seek me and you will find me, when you search for me with all your heart.
Why is there such confidence and freedom in focusing on Jesus? Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever." So, no matter what the fad is in Christianity, no matter what philosophy the world is embracing, no matter what different form of sin or hurt comes upon you, Jesus is the same! He does not change, so you can cling to Him and find that He isn't going anywhere. Though the tide of public opinion may change, and their solutions to the world may change, Jesus is the same. That is why He is the rock we should build our lives on.
So, let us throw off the sin and weights that so easily beset us and fix our eyes on Jesus. When our focus is there, we cannot help but enter the rest that is spoken of in Hebrews 4.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
What's in my IPOD and why. That is the substance of this post. Worship is so special to me, and music holds such a dear place in my heart that I listen to worship all the time. I decided to share what I'm listening to and why because I want to encourage you to be an all the time worshipper too!
Play list titled My Worship
1. Love The Lord- Lincoln Brewster
This song is scripture, and nothing but the first and greatest commandment. We can never be reminded enough of what we are asked by God to fulfill. And, it's a great tune!
2. Awesome Is The Lord Most High- Chris Tomlin
To me, this song is declaring who God is and I can always use songs like this. When I become overwhelmed with life, I choose to focus on God, and how awesome He is.
3. Holy Is The Lord- Chris Tomlin
This is a song which reminds me of what we will be doing in heaven. Revelation chapter 4, 5 talk about what is happening in heaven, and songs declaring God's holiness never cease to remind me of how we will soon be worshipping around the Throne of God.
4. You, You are God- Gateway Worship
Another declaration song which I love. Songs where I can state my intent and beliefs are good for me because life has a way of trying to get me muddled and lost. This song states it clearly- You are God!!!!! And it's a mighty great tune too!
5. Let The Praises Ring- Lincoln Brewster
By now I will admit that I truly enjoy Lincoln Brewster. I've heard his name for many years, back to my days of driving to Calvary Temple Modesto for Friday night worship nights. I feel a true sense of worship, not just performance with him, and I love the lyrics to this song. "Let every thing I say and do be founded by my faith in You!"
6. Everlasting God- Lincoln Brewster
This song gives me hope, and reminds me that God is not a man that he should become tired and not be able to help me. The verses this song is based one are ones that I love! I love songs that are scripture.
7. Beautiful King- Michael Neale
This is an artist I found by seeing what's new on Itunes. I love, love, love his album. This song really states my heart toward God right now. "All I can say is thank you, all I can do is fall down at your feet, all I can cry is Holy, Holy Holy is the Beautiful King." I encourage you to check out his CD which is full of powerful truth.
8. I Am Yours- Michael Neale
This is a rendition of "Take My Life and Let it Be". The words are powerful, and the chorus states it all, I am Yours set apart for You.
9. Beautiful- New Life Worship
I love this song because it is stating who God is, directly to Him. Just try being angry, or irritated or anything else while singing this song. It gets you back to the right perspective quickly.
10. Magnificent- Hillsong
The album "Blessed" by Hillsong is probably my favorite worship CD. I've listened to it a multitude of times. Magnificent is another love song to God, and that is why I love it. What a great song!
11. There Is None Like You- Lenny LeBlanc
This is a short, simple song which states the truth. There is none like the One True God of Israel. As with many of the others, a real perspective song.
12. I Stand In Awe- Ross Parsley
I have been a fan of New Life Worship for many years, and although their church has been through a lot in the last year, I don't think God is finished with them yet. This song states my feelings quite well.
13. Amazed- Ross Parsley
This song is so great. I was singing this to myself yesterday at church during communion. I am amazed by how God loves me. This song is a reminder to me, and an offering to God.
14. Beauty of the Lord- Jared Anderson
Another New Life worship leader, this song states the intent of my heart. "I will declare the beauty of the Lord, nothing compares to the beauty of the Lord." Enough said by me.
15. Holy God- Brian Doerkson
I came across this song on Itunes. When I play this song, I feel like I am in the throne room of heaven. The angelic voices raised, singing "Holy, Holy Holy God" gives me the chills. The statements of Who God is increases my faith. I highly recommend his album for a great personal worship CD.
So, there's a look into my IPOD. Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut, or lose the habit of personal worship. Don't wait for Sunday! Start worshipping with song now! Music has a way of lifting the heaviness, resetting our perspective and cheering our souls.
Play list titled My Worship
1. Love The Lord- Lincoln Brewster
This song is scripture, and nothing but the first and greatest commandment. We can never be reminded enough of what we are asked by God to fulfill. And, it's a great tune!
2. Awesome Is The Lord Most High- Chris Tomlin
To me, this song is declaring who God is and I can always use songs like this. When I become overwhelmed with life, I choose to focus on God, and how awesome He is.
3. Holy Is The Lord- Chris Tomlin
This is a song which reminds me of what we will be doing in heaven. Revelation chapter 4, 5 talk about what is happening in heaven, and songs declaring God's holiness never cease to remind me of how we will soon be worshipping around the Throne of God.
4. You, You are God- Gateway Worship
Another declaration song which I love. Songs where I can state my intent and beliefs are good for me because life has a way of trying to get me muddled and lost. This song states it clearly- You are God!!!!! And it's a mighty great tune too!
5. Let The Praises Ring- Lincoln Brewster
By now I will admit that I truly enjoy Lincoln Brewster. I've heard his name for many years, back to my days of driving to Calvary Temple Modesto for Friday night worship nights. I feel a true sense of worship, not just performance with him, and I love the lyrics to this song. "Let every thing I say and do be founded by my faith in You!"
6. Everlasting God- Lincoln Brewster
This song gives me hope, and reminds me that God is not a man that he should become tired and not be able to help me. The verses this song is based one are ones that I love! I love songs that are scripture.
7. Beautiful King- Michael Neale
This is an artist I found by seeing what's new on Itunes. I love, love, love his album. This song really states my heart toward God right now. "All I can say is thank you, all I can do is fall down at your feet, all I can cry is Holy, Holy Holy is the Beautiful King." I encourage you to check out his CD which is full of powerful truth.
8. I Am Yours- Michael Neale
This is a rendition of "Take My Life and Let it Be". The words are powerful, and the chorus states it all, I am Yours set apart for You.
9. Beautiful- New Life Worship
I love this song because it is stating who God is, directly to Him. Just try being angry, or irritated or anything else while singing this song. It gets you back to the right perspective quickly.
10. Magnificent- Hillsong
The album "Blessed" by Hillsong is probably my favorite worship CD. I've listened to it a multitude of times. Magnificent is another love song to God, and that is why I love it. What a great song!
11. There Is None Like You- Lenny LeBlanc
This is a short, simple song which states the truth. There is none like the One True God of Israel. As with many of the others, a real perspective song.
12. I Stand In Awe- Ross Parsley
I have been a fan of New Life Worship for many years, and although their church has been through a lot in the last year, I don't think God is finished with them yet. This song states my feelings quite well.
13. Amazed- Ross Parsley
This song is so great. I was singing this to myself yesterday at church during communion. I am amazed by how God loves me. This song is a reminder to me, and an offering to God.
14. Beauty of the Lord- Jared Anderson
Another New Life worship leader, this song states the intent of my heart. "I will declare the beauty of the Lord, nothing compares to the beauty of the Lord." Enough said by me.
15. Holy God- Brian Doerkson
I came across this song on Itunes. When I play this song, I feel like I am in the throne room of heaven. The angelic voices raised, singing "Holy, Holy Holy God" gives me the chills. The statements of Who God is increases my faith. I highly recommend his album for a great personal worship CD.
So, there's a look into my IPOD. Sometimes we can get stuck in a rut, or lose the habit of personal worship. Don't wait for Sunday! Start worshipping with song now! Music has a way of lifting the heaviness, resetting our perspective and cheering our souls.
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