I hear so many people talking about "being in ministry" and "finding their purpose" that I wanted to talk a little about my personal experience. Do I think all people should imitate me exactly? NO ABSOLUTELY NOT! However, I believe with all my heart that by hearing someone else's experience, something may strike you and you may see things in a different way that may bring freedom to your life. Many people have touched my life simply by sharing their experience. By now, if you've read my posts, you know that I insist that you check everything to God's Word and by seeking Him in prayer.
With all that said, may I share my thoughts on the push into "ministry"? I'm apalled by it quite frankly. Some churches make service voluntary with announcements from the pulpit to let you know when they are strapped for helpers. Some churches make it mandatory that you help in certain ministries (like the nursery or childrens ministries). We Americans have created quite a machine that we call church. People can make quite a life being involved and keeping the machine running. It can be a place to get your ego satisfied, find your value and worth, find your social life. It can also overtake your family to the point where you rarely see your children, barely speak to your wife and don't have time for friends. I think all those things I've mentioned are pitfalls of so-called "ministry".
How have I navigated all of this? Well, first of all, I've not navigated it perfectly. I've had to learn, and I've hurt my family in my learning process. I have had a huge measure of God's grace dealt to me in this: my personality has been used by God to save me from disaster. How so? Well, for many years I was out of the "ministry loop" because of my devotion to my family/children. This devotion springs from my own childhood where my perception was that my parents were never around. They were in the house, but in their room, and not available to us kids. Please understand that this is my perception and for all I know may not be the complete truth. I am not trying to bash my parents, but my feeling that they were not available has led me to be available constantly for my kids. So, for years when people have asked me to do things, I've often had to say no. I've not gone to all the functions, conferences or served in ministries simply because I did not want to be away from my family. Looking back, I can see how God used that to keep me from some of the "distractions" I've discussed in other posts. How did I make it through that period when I did almost nothing outside my home? I made it by reading. I love to read, and God uses this to teach, correct and minister to me. I've read countless christian fiction, christian living books and my Bible during this time. Music is another way God has sustained me in this time. I've always had a special heart toward music. God has used Christian worship music to mold me, challenge me, uplift me. Never underestimate what God will use in your life.
If I wasn't "out there" serving, going to classes, conferences and such, was I serving God or not? I believe I was ABSOLUTELY serving God. God gave me a family, and my first mission field is to them. My testimony must be honest, and I've had to work out things in my life before my family that the world will never see. God was working fruit in me if nothing else in this time, but I know he's done more. I did serve in a ministry at my former church, and my family served with me. It was a cherished time for me watching my kids, and knowing the impact they had on others.
In what other ways do I serve God? I believe my friendship has been a ministry. If nothing else, I can spend time on the phone encouraging someone, bearing burdens with them, shedding tears with them, and even rejoicing with them. These are all things Christians are called to do. God has also birthed a ministry in me that he began cultivating almost 15 years ago. I've always longed to entertain in my home, and God has given me a ministry where I give "teas" for women several times a year. The guest list is small because I want to get a chance to interact with everyone, and also because I don't want to be overwhelmed. I have been blessed beyond measure by these experiences, every one different from the one before. I've met some wonderful women and I pray that God has been glorified through it all. I also feel that this blog is a ministry. I can see now that my past 6 1/2 years being home, in His Word has prepared me for writing. He placed a love for writing in me in High School where I can remember taking a "Creative Writing" class. 22 years ago he had a plan, and was putting it in place even then.
So, what is an American Christian to do? When we look at the Gospels we see it broken down very simply: Matt. 4:19 "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him." If you follow Jesus, he will lead you in the way you should go. And because God created family, He will show you how to manage the things he gives you to do. If you love Him more than family, work, posessions, He will show you how to live for Him and deal with those things. Let's look at the first part of Matt. 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness..." I think somehow the last part of the verse pricks something in our flesh, so I hesitate to mention it. If we seek HIM FIRST...all the rest will be added.
Do I think I am well thought of in the "church world"? Maybe not, to their eyes I am not doing much for "the church". Do I think I am well thought of by other Christians? Maybe not, because I'm not out there being busy. But do I think I am following Jesus' directive in Matthew? I do. I follow God, and the rest follows. Is it hard to be the one who doesn't go everywhere and do everything? Yes, at times I've felt lonely and forgotten, but I know I'm not forgotten by my Lord. Is it hard when I hear things like ..."The people growing the most spiritually are the ones in ministries in the church"? Yes, because I do feel I'm growing, but not in a way that can be measured by man. It's hard to be the one going against the "flow", but I feel I'm doing what God has called me to do, and I make no apologies for that. In Christ alone, I place my trust.
Why did I write this? To encourage you to Follow Jesus, and leave the areas of "ministry" that He calls you to up to Him. And, don't discount the ways you already serve Him. You may never be publicly thanked or acknowledged for them, but your reward is in heaven.
I do feel this is a bit rambling, and for that I apologize. So many thoughts crowding in at once makes it hard to write concisely. Thank you for your patience.