Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Testimony of How God Works

I'm posting an entry here of a more personal nature than usual because I want to document all of the awesome ways God is moving in the midst of a great personal emergency. This is a little different than what I normally write about, but I want to testify that God is with us and he still answers prayer. The blog this is taken from is

How did we get here?
Hi there. My family has been blessed with so many friends, colleagues and family that I wanted a central place to disperse information. I don't want to leave anyone out, and this seemed like the best solution. This does not mean I no longer want emails or phone calls, I'm just having a hard time retelling things all the time. I hope you understand.Let me start at the beginning. Last Wednesday, while on a sales call, Chris fell. This is how he recounted the story to me. They were walking up a lot of stairs and he was sweating, and slightly winded. When they got to where they were going, he sat in a chair with a fan blowing on him. He remembers feeling a little clammy, then realized he was falling off the chair. Medics from the company were called and they checked him out and released him. When he came home, he had a headache. This continued for two more days before I was able to convince him to go get it checked out. While at Sutter Delta hospital, Chris had a CT scan which showed something abnormal. They then did a dye contrasting CT which did not clarify the problem all that much. Chris cannot have MRI because of his pacemaker, so the doctors decided to transfer him to John Muir where there is a Neurologist on staff. The doctor at John Muir agreed that whatever was going on in his head needed to be looked at, and expressed that the situation is made more difficult because he cannot have MRI. His feeling was that a biopsy was the best starting point. The biopsy was done yesterday and the doctor said that it went very well. The results from the lab will take 2-3 days. Chris is doing well physically, and neurologically after the procedure and is resting the best he can. Right now he is in ICU and is on the brain injury protocol which means no TV or radio, no telephone. He's not thrilled with that at all. On Sunday he complained that no one would tell him the score to the Giant's game. They just want to limit his brain stimulation right now. I want to thank everyone who has sent their well-wishes and let me know that you are praying. Our hope is not in a hospital, doctor or medical procedure. Our hope is in God. God has already answered so many prayers. Please continue to pray for not just Chris, but also the kids and me. They are holding up well. Nicholas barely seems to notice that his dad is gone. I see the concern on Courtney and Tyler's faces, and I try to reassure them. I have always known that my husband was admired and well thought of in each area of his life. Thank you to those of you who have confirmed that through your emails. My hope is to post updates daily.
Miraculous ways that God works:
1. My husband didn't have any seizures in the three days after the fall he took, and before treatment.
2. He didn't have any car accidents as he drove that Wednesday from San Francisco to Concord to Oakland and then home.
3. When I prayed to God for something very particular, there was a message when I got home answering that exact prayer.
4. While in the ICU at John Muir in Walnut Creek, I saw a friend of Chris' who was there to visit his own relative. I later heard that this friend was in the hall praying for my husband.
5. Chris had to have a breathing tube for 2 days after the procedure, after a long night of prayer last night, it was removed today.
6. On Monday morning, I was able to call AT&T and get Chris' log in information for his business voice mail so that I could change the message.
7. A family friend changed their plans in order to take my 3 kids to a Giants game this weekend. (we had tickets already and the kids were worried they wouldn't get to go)
8. Even before I could call anyone, the church knew about Chris and was praying. (my daughter had posted it on her facebook, so the youth leaders found out that way)
9. A friend offered to help me by picking up my carpool from school one day.
10. The biopsy results show no tumor!!!!!
11. Many friends continue to call and offer help of specific natures- I am truly blessed!
I plan to update this as time goes by. This is a reminder that we serve a big God, and that He cares about us from the big things to the little things.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

We've Got To Hold On

My dear friends, I've had a hard time posting anything lately because I feel like I am personally in a battle for my life. Not my physical life, but my spiritual life. I personally believe that the time is drawing nigh that Jesus will return, and I feel Revelation 12:12 the latter part of the verse coming to pass "...for the devil is come down unto you, having a great wrath, because he knoweth he hath but a short time." My heart is being challenged these days on many fronts with this same theme. Are you going to get along, or follow Jesus? I've never had such a direct choice before. I've always been able to get along and follow Jesus, but the time is such that it is nearly impossible. Family, friends, church acquaintances are all falling on two sides of the issue. I feel that not only am I finding it difficult, but others are actually deciding not to get along with Christians any longer. I also have to say that I am hearing this from many many others. It seems we are all in the same boat, and I think that the situation gives us an opportunity. This is a time when we can band together and pray for each other and encourage each other. We have to if we are going to survive the final hours.
As you know from reading this blog, music is something special to me. So, it came as no surprise to me that two songs have become anchors for me in this most recent storm. The first is an old hymn by Fanny J Crosby entitled "Blessed Assurance".
Blessed assurance Jesus is mine!
Oh what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God
Born with His Spirit, washed with His blood.
Perfect submission, perfect delight
Visions of rapture now burst on my sight
Angels descending bring from above
Echos of mercy, whispers of love.
Perfect submission, all is at rest
I in my Savior am happy and blest
Watching and waiting looking above
Filled with His goodness lost in His love.
This is my story this is my song
Praising my Savior all the day long.
The next song is one I remember from the 70's or early 80's but I just heard again on a new CD. It's titled "The Blood Will Never Lose It's Power"
The blood that Jesus shed for me
Way back on Calvary
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day It will never lose its power.
It reaches to the highest mountain
And it flows to the lowest valley
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will never lose its power.
It soothes my doubts and calms my fears
And it dries all my tears
The blood that gives me strength
From day to day
It will never lose its power.
We have got to remember this. The blood will NEVER lose it's power. It doesn't matter what you are facing, Jesus has overcome!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

A Piece of Sound Advice

This little chorus has been going through my head for the past week. I consider it to be sound advice for these challenging days. No matter what is going on, remember this.
Jesus never fails, Jesus never fails. Heaven and earth may pass away, but Jesus never fails!!!
Hallelujah! It's nice to know that if people fail, pastors fail, government fails, churches fail there is one thing for sure- Jesus never fails!!! I'm so glad I've put my hopes, my trust, my future in Him!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'm Counting On God

What an appropriate song, and awesome lyrics for my life! I am truly counting on God!

I'm in a fight not physical
And I'm in a war
But not with this world
You are the light that's beautiful
And I want more I want all that's Yours
Joy unspeakable that won't go away
And just enough strength
To live for today
So I never have to worry
What tomorrow will bring
'Cause my faith is on solid rock
I am counting on God
I am counting on
I am counting on God
The miracle of Christ in me
Is the mystery that sets me free
I'm nothing like I used to be
Open up your eyes you'll see

Jared Anderson© 2007 Vertical Worship Songsc/o Integrity Media, Inc., 1000 Cody Road, Mobile, AL 36695

Monday, March 9, 2009

How To Make A Disciple

I've never really been fond of this saying "make disciples" because I feel like it leaves a lot to the imagination. I don't think God is about leaving a lot to the imagination. Another reason I've not liked this phrase is because I don't see it in the Bible that I read which happens to be the King James version. I've talked about Bible versions before, I've read the KJV since I was a child and that's the one I'm most comfortable with. I'm not saying that EVERYONE must read this version. When I first started hearing this "making disciples" phrase, I kept saying, "But that's not in the Bible!" People would tell me yes, it is in other translations. I'm trying to convey how adamantly I did not like this phrase. But now, I'll concede that this phrase could be appropriate and how it does NOT leave a lot to the imagination.

First of all, let me quote the verse I'm discussing. Matt. 28:19 from the KJV : "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:" Like I said before, I've read the King James version all my life. Recently I've been reading the amplified Bible, as it draws out the meanings of the words. It cuts down a lot on me running to the Concordance for word clarification. So, in reading the amplified Matthew 28:19 reads, "Go then and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." When I saw this, I had to consider what it truly meant, and when I looked up the word "teach" in the Greek, I got more of a clarification.

The word "teach" in this instance in the KJ means "to disciple" and that word definition didn't really satisfy me, so I looked to the word it came from. That word means "one who follows one's teachings" and further "A disciple was not only a pupil, but an adherent; hence they are spoken of as imitators of their teacher."
Uh-oh, this is what I was worried about. I've been asking people this question- "Who are they making disciples of?" And this is my problem with the whole disciple thing. I find that many people make disciples of themselves. Meaning, I've got all these people following me. That is downright scary to me. None of us are perfect and there is a risk in having lots of people following you. I feel that many churches make disciples of their particular church, or a certain program or class. I think churches really like to make disciples of their own doctrine.In regards to having personal disciples, I had an incident when someone offered to loan me some teaching tapes, but it came with a warning that I would be accountable to them for the content of the tapes if I listened to them. I ask you, where is this in scripture? To me, this seems like I would become this certain persons or certain teachings disciple. I was dumbfounded. This all follows the technical line from Matt. 28, but is that God's heart? I give a resounding NO!
The other day I was listening to someone teach God's Word from John 8, and what happened during that teaching changed my life. It was like a spotlight shone down, and then alarms went off and the verse I've been waiting for regarding "making disciples" was made clear to me. I quote John 8:31-32 from the amplified Bible: " So Jesus said to those Jews who had believed in Him, If you abide in My Word [hold fast to My teachings and live in accordance with them], you are truly My disciples. God's intent was to make disciples of Jesus, but for some reason this verse jumped out at me. The only way to rightly make disciples is to steer them ONLY and ALWAYS to the Word of God.

What freedom that brings! If all you ever do is steer people to God's Word, then you are safe. How can you go wrong by guiding people to find their answers in God's Word? Of course, it must be approached in love and compassion, but God's Word is ALWAYS the answer. I've found that if you know God and His great love for you, and you move in love toward other people, it makes it easier to share God's Word with them. If people think you are beating them up with God's Word, they will not want to listen to you. There is a phrase in the Gospels that has profoundly impacted my life and it is this; When Jesus saw them, He was moved with compassion toward them. (my summary, not a quote) When I think about how Jesus walked, this phrase leaps to mind. He saw people and had compassion toward them. And after that, He preached the Word to them. So, in my opinion, reaching people with the Word needs to come with a true love and compassion for people.
So, to sum it up: We are indeed to be making disciples- of JESUS!! Not to any one church, doctrine, class, philosophy but to the Son of God. That means we must know this Son ourselves and be His disciple ourselves. And Jesus must be the only thing we point people towards.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be Still

Be Still and know that I am God Ps. 46:10
"Be Still" What a concept for us in this day and age. I've been contemplating this for a long time in reference to many areas of life. I'm going to discuss what keeps us from being still, and why we need to be still.I've noticed in America, that being still is not something we want to do. Very few people are still voluntarily. Our society looks down on being still. We feel guilty like we're wasting time if we're still. Stores are now open 24 hours a day, restaurants are open later and later, even open 24 hours a day. With the boom of the Internet, and cable television, we now have both of those 24 hours a day. I'm old enough to remember that television stations used to sign off at night and be off the air until morning. Now, you can find a million ways to waste your money and lots worse on the television all night long. Since the World Trade Center bombings, we now can hear and see the news, and read it across the bottom of the screen all at the same time. The Internet is a huge lure to avoid being still. While it used to be enough just to "surf the net" and get information, and shop; we are now living out our social lives through Myspace, Facebook, Twitter and other social networking sites.Now, I'm not saying that these things are evil in themselves; but I am saying that we have to take a hard look at these things, just like any other thing like television, movies, music and ask ourselves "Is this drawing me closer to God?" I am constantly checking to make sure things in my life have not become idols. I feel that the anonymous/fantasy element of the Internet has a great lure that could take over if we are not careful. I know because I've been there, and it was only God's grace that I did not ruin myself.What are the benefits to being still? First, it gives the body and mind rest. I've heard it said that in this day and age of convenience, we accomplish 2-3 times what we used to in years past. While some people may see that as productive, I also see it as wearing on our bodies and minds 2-3 times faster. Our bodies need times of rest, and I am convinced our minds need it as well. The mental aspect may not be a visible, but it is true all the same. Being still also gives us a chance to stop and assess where we are. There have been times when I've taken a "time out" and realized that I need more sleep, or need to drink more water or eat more healthfully. If we stay in the rat race, we may not notice those things until it's too late. I also believe that being still gives God an opportunity to commune with us. Think about it, what kind of relationship would you have with your spouse if you only passed each other and never really stopped to talk? It would be difficult to have a deep relationship because you would never really know each other. When we stop and be still especially to spend time with God, we are showing Him that we want to invest in our relationship with Him. Again, think in the natural. When we want to invest in a relationship, we spend time finding out what the other persons likes and dislikes are. We spend time doing things that they like to do. We spend time trying to make them happy. Why should this be any different for our relationship with God?It's interesting to me how often we are willing to sit still for many things other than God. We'll sit for two hours and watch a movie or even longer to watch sports. How much more important is our relationship with our Creator? I have found that it is not always easy to discipline myself to be still, but because I know the benefits of being still are great I push past all the noise and get myself to a place of stillness. Busyness is something we need to be aware of, and do what we can to mitigate the busyness in our lives. God knew what He was doing when He included the verse "Be still and know that I am God" in the Bible.What happens when we don't know God? I am immediately drawn to Hosea 4. In this chapter, the Lord has a controversy with the children of Israel. He says in verse 1 that there is no faithfulness, love, pity and mercy or knowledge of God [ from personal experience with Him] in the land. When you follow down to verse 6, you find an often misquoted verse. It reads from the amplified Bible "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; because you [the priestly nation]have rejected knowledge, I will also reject you that you shall be no more preist to Me; seeing you have forgotten the law of your God, I will also forget your children." We often use this verse to promote "learning", but what this is saying is that they have a lack of knowledge of God. He is judging the priests because they reject knowledge of God. II Timothy 3 says in verses 5, 7 "For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [ their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid all such people. [These weak women will listen to anybody who will teach them]; they are forever inquiring and getting information, but are never able to arrive at a recognition and knowledge of the Truth."I feel that if we don't know God, it is a double punishment. Not only can we fall into error, and risk condemnation; but also, we do not the the good things we need to know to keep our faith. We will not understand God, we will not know or believe His promises to us. If we don't know God, how can we survive life in the world? Romans 10: 17 says, "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." Have you ever been to Jamba Juice? They ask if you want a free boost in your smoothie. The Word of God is like a Jamba boost. It's a faith boost. From all the things I've read in the Bible about the end times, I know I need that boost for my faith.So, I guess the question is, Do you know how to "Be still and know that I am God" ?

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The bridge to Nowhere

I wasn't going to name this post what I named it, I had a couple of other ideas which kept switching in my head. When this phrase dropped into my mind, I knew it described how I'm feeling about things being said in the American church at large. For several years, I've heard people describe the necessity of programs in the church in the following way. We need these programs to be a bridge to bring people to Jesus. Or maybe this: We need to get them in the door so that they can learn about Jesus. I have great problems with these statements because I think they oppose Scripture. There is also another trend in churches these days where we are afraid to use words like "sin" because we're worried that people will be offended and not "get saved". Jesus addresses this in the Bible as well.
First, let's address the bridge theory. Now, I'm not well versed in this theory; I've never actually had a long conversation with anyone who claims this theory. But, I do know what the Word of God says. John 9: 39- 10:5 is a fascinating story. After all of John 9 discusses the blind man who was given sight, Jesus makes the statement in vs. 39 (Amplified Bible) "Then Jesus said, I came into the world for judgment [ as a Separator, in order that there me be separation between those who believe in Me and those who reject Me], to make the sightless see and to make this who see become blind." The Pharisees then asked, "Are we also blind?" And Jesus told them that because they insist that they have no sin, their guilt remains. Immediately following that verse is John 10:1, an extremely powerful verse which struck me about a year ago. It reads, "I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, he who does not enter by the door into the sheepfold, but climbs up some other way (elsewhere, from some other quarter) is a thief and a robber." And Jesus makes it even clearer in verse 9 "I am the Door; anyone who enters in through Me will be saved (will live). He will come in and he will go out [freely], and will find pasture."
When I look at this passage, I think I see what Jesus is trying to say, and it applies to the above topic. The Pharisees did NOT want to be compared to that blind man. They thought that they were so much further ABOVE him, that they totally missed the point. Until they admitted their need like the blind man, they could not accept the gift of salvation. They were trying to get in some other way. The way of good works, of perfect keeping of the law. Jesus said that only those who enter through Him would be saved. That means they have to admit their need. Need is not something that's acceptable these days. No on wants to look "needy". We've cultivated a society that wants to be "self-reliant" and "self- sufficient". And this philosophy is in direct opposition to God. So, the deeper into this self philosophy you are, the harder it will be for you to see your need of God, and actually cry out to Him from that need for salvation. And, as Christians, we cannot make a more comfortable door for people who are too embarrassed or proud to admit their need for Jesus. That is not what the Great Commission is about.
Jesus also said in Matt. 11:6 " And blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in me." This is a powerful statement. If you are offended by being called a sinner, then you don't really need a Savior. The Bible calls us sinners, and if we are offended by this, then salvation is not for us. I am frustrated that people are calling certain terms "Christian speak" and in actuality they are Biblical terms. Saying that someone sinned is in the Bible. Romans 3:23 "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." If you talk about being "born again" or say that you are a "born again Christian" people look at you funny and think you are speaking some sort of secret language. Well, maybe that's true if you think that the Bible is some secret language. Jesus said the words himself. John 3:3 (amplified) "Jesus answered him, I assure you, I most solemnly I tell you, that unless a man is born again (anew, from above), he cannot ever see (know, be acquainted with and experience) the kingdom of God." I'll be honest with you, I want to see the kingdom of God! I am not going to get my pride up and refuse to be honest and miss the kingdom of God.
When all of this is brought into the Church, I really feel that we are missing the point. I have said it before, and I'll say it again. The church was not meant to be for unbelievers!!! This is a modern day phenomenon brought on the the "seeker" movement. The definition of church in the Strong's Concordance is from the word Ekklesia meaning: It designated a new society of which Jesus was the founder, being as it was a society knit together by the closest spiritual bonds and altogether independent of space." There is nothing in here that says it is a net being cast out to gather up people. There is nothing in here about it is a service to attract people. It is a society knit together in the bonds of Christ. I have to wonder what we've really got going on today. I personally see a lot of 'towers of Babel' where people are saying "Come let us build a church and let us make a name for ourselves." Of course they don't really say that, but if we are denying what Scripture tells us, and we are making our own doors for people to come through as comfortably as possible, what are we doing???? I understand that people just want to see others "get saved" but the truth is, if they don't go through the True Door which is Jesus, they aren't really saved. Jesus was the one who said we must be "born again" so what's wrong with saying those words? I don't care if it's hip or current, they are the words that get you into the kingdom of God.
The truth is, we are only required to bring the message. The True message. We are not required to bring people to church, or get them to say a prayer or sign a commitment card. It may be that in these times, not very many will "get saved". There may be many that reject your message of sinners needing a Savior. The Bible says in Matt. 7:14 "But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straightened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it." I'm concerned that we are not showing the narrow way (Jesus only) and that we are taking people down a broad path with our bridges and programs.
If I had to pick one verse in the Bible as most important, I would choose John 14:6 "Jesus said to him, I am the Way, and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me." That makes it pretty clear. To come through Jesus, you have to admit that He did something that you couldn't do. He died on the cross so that you could have fellowship with the Father. To come through Jesus you must drop all ideas of doing it your way, of earning your way to God. When you truly believe that Jesus is the only Way to Heaven, He is the only Truth and that in Him is Life; your own life will become so much more simple.
I challenge you to think about what is going on in American churches. Really stop and challenge what's being said by searching the Bible. I don't think that the Christian life is as complicated as people are making it, but I don't think it's as commercial as they are making it either. Yes, if you choose the narrow path and there are few on it, you may feel uncomfortable and lonely at times. You may wonder if you're on the right path. But if you abide in the Word, which means hold fast to Christ's teachings and live in accordance with them, you cannot be ashamed.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Faith is the Victory

It's been a rough couple of days for me. It's been hard to keep the tears from my eyes. I'm not just upset because I didn't vote for Barak Obama, but I'm deeply saddened because I feel that we as Americans have crossed a line. Integrity is no longer something we want in our leaders, and that can only mean destruction for our society.
But today, as the tears were running down my face, I heard a small voice of song in my heart. It's the hymn by John Yates, and the words are as follows:
Encamped along the hills of light
Ye Christian soldiers rise
And press the battle ere the night
Shall veil the glowing skies
Against the foe in vales below
Let all our strength be hurled
Faith is the victory we know
That overcomes the world
His banner over us is love
Our sword the Word of God
We tread the road the saints above
with shouts of triumph trod
By faith they like a whirlwinds breath
Swept on o're every field
The faith by which they conquer'd death
Is still our shining shield
To him that oversomes the foe
White rainment shall be giv'n
Before the angels he shall know
His name confessed in Heav'n
Then onward from the hill of light
Our hearts with love aflame
We'll vanquish all the host of night
In Jesus' conqur'ing name
Faith is the victory
Faith is the victory
O glorious victory
That overcomes the world

These words remind me not to fix my eyes on what I see here on earth. Faith is my victory!!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Whatcha thinking?

As I talk to people, I'm finding that a lot of us are dealing with a lot of stuff. Whether it is economic, personal relationships, health many people seem to be dealing with many things. I don't have some magical answer for why or what this all means. All I know is that even as I am being squeezed hard, I must refocus my attention. It is totally human and so like me to get distracted and focus on my problems, but I truly feel that in order to make it through these final days, we have to train our focus on our hope. So, that begs the question ... What/where is your hope? The words to the hymn "Solid Rock" have been running through my head for months now. Here are the lyrics:
My hope is built on nothing less
Than Jesus' blood and righteousness
I dare not trust the sweetest frame
but wholly lean on Jesus' name
When darkness seems to hide His face
I rest on His unchanging grace
In every high and Stormy gale
My anchor hold within the veil
When He shall come with trumpet sound
O may I then in Him be found
dressed in His righteousness alone
Faultless to stand before the throne
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand
All other ground is sinking sand.

I truly believe these words, and I know they are true. Isaiah 26:3,4 says," You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [ both it's inclination and it's character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You,
leans on You, and hopes confidently in You. So trust in the Lord [commit yourself to Him, lean on Him, hope confidently in Him] forever; for the Lord God is an everlasting Rock [the Rock of Ages]."
If we put our hope in God, the scriptures say over and over that we will not be ashamed. What does hope in God mean? It's not necessarily a hope that God will just fix everything. The Bible says that it rains on the just and the unjust. Jesus, in John 16:33 "I have told you these things so that in Me you may have perfect peace and confidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for You.] These verses are from the Amplified Bible, and I like how it brings the definitions of the words out.
Jesus tells us that we will have trials, but to be of good cheer. If you're focused on the problem, it's hard to be of good cheer. But, the knowledge that Jesus has taken away the power of these things to harm us is something to cheer about. I have been in a situation that has forced my thoughts to the eternal realm. I have a son who is a prodigal, walking in darkness right now, and the thoughts can really consume me, depress me and give me cause to give up. BUT, when I lift my perspective a little higher, I find that God's promises DO bring peace and comfort. With this situation in particular, I've had to break things down to some very small truths that help me get through the day. I started with this ... have I done everything I can in the natural realm for my son? Yes, I believe I have. Have I asked his forgiveness? Yes, I have. Will I continue praying for him? Yes, I will. And when the torment still plagues me, the wondering if my actions as a mother have forever scarred his life, I have to stop myself and say. He has free will too. Just as I have free will, so does my son. When I feel I am a horrible, unworthy person, I ask myself this... Will his actions affect MY salvation? NO, they absolutely will not cause me to lose my salvation. I literally have to re balance myself with these thoughts. The negative thoughts come in like a flood, fast, furious and overwhelming; and I've had to teach myself to intentionally think on these things. Knowing God from His Word, and knowing the promises God has made to His children has kept me sane and in peace through a horrible time.
Our hope should be in the Lord. And not just in the Lord, but for His return. Titus 2:13 says, "Awaiting and looking for the [fulfillment, the realization of our] blessed hope, even the glorious appearing of our great God and Saviour Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Annointed One). We must hope in our salvation. The salvation that comes when Jesus returns. We cannot hope that God will fix everything here on earth, it just won't happen. Jesus said in John that we WILL have trouble, but to be of good cheer because He overcame the world. Although He overcame the world, we still have to live in it until He returns. So, when our perspective gets raised from earth to hoping in His return, we are able to handle life's issues differently.
I'm not just spouting some goody-two-shoes nonsense, and I'm not someone who can't understand the problems going on today. I have troubles on every side, but not one of those troubles will take away my eternal hope, and because of that I can praise God! I will offer this to those being pressed hard right now. Often, but not always, praise and worship music will help lift me out of the mire of my troubles. Thinking on God instead of everything that is wrong will start to diminish my trouble and magnify God in my opinion. Then, that lets my trust God more, and opens my heart to believing the promises God has made. There are also times when I just need a friend to pray for me. I'm human, there are times when you just need a literal shoulder to cry on. I have great friends who love me and are willing to pray and remind me of God's promises. There are also times when I reach out and help others. It's easy to get selfish when trials come, so I try to force myself outward. I'm not perfect, I don't think these are the only ways to get through hard times, these are just what works for me.
I encourage you to know where your hope lies.